Guida di Hubzilla:


relevant link (for tags and mentions, a link to the associated resource)
tidsequential indexint(10) unsignedNOPRINULLauto_increment
aidchannel_account_id of the controlling channelint(10) unsignedNOMUL0
uidchannel_id of the controlling channelint(10) unsignedNOMUL0
oidDB index of linked thingint(10) unsignedNOMULNULL
otypetype of linked thingtinyint(3) unsignedNOMULNULL
ttypetaxonomy type (See Tag/term types in boot.php)tinyint(3) unsignedNOMULNULL
termthe actual taxonomy termchar(255)NOMULNULL
imgurlrarely used - an image associated with this taxonomy termchar(255)NOMULNULL
term_hashunique hash for this entrychar(255)NOMUL
parent_hashfor hierarchical taxonomies, the hash of the relevant parentchar(255)NOMUL

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